Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Joy for our Journey

This blog is not about some deep theological concern, it is more personal. This is about the journey we have been on these last nine weeks, moving from Beavercreek, Ohio to Brooksville, Florida.

First, let me say that above all it has been the hand of God, and it has been amazing. That is not to say that it has never been difficult or testing. I simply mean that in all circumstances both good and not so good that we have seen God's hand, and faithfulness ever present.

We left Beavercreek on Thursday morning, June 23, but not without difficulty. We did not finish packing a very stuffed truck on Wednesday night because it started to rain really hard. Our friends that were helping us load the truck said, Ohio was weeping that we were leaving. That morning we said goodbye to our oldest son, Tyler, who was heading west to Oklahoma and his new life as an aerospace engineer. We were proud, but we cried. We miss him so very much. then we finished loading and headed off for the open road (I-75 South). That night in the small town of Sweetwater, Tennessee we blew a tire. The hot summer highway ate up our tire. The truckers who watched it happen quickly blocked the road and let me get off the highway and to the next exit. What a blessing! There we found a hotel and we contacted U-Haul. Before going to bed we got the tire fixed, but not without getting the shake down from the local U-Haul tire man. What a piece of work that guy was. He tried to shake me down for a pay-off until he realized I had purchased the Super Safemove insurance. He used every scare tactic, but after he realized I was covered he then tried to make nice and back-up from all the stuff he told me. It shook me up, but God kept me blind to some of it so that it was not until after he left that I realized what his game was.

The next day as we got back on the road, a light rain cooled the highway, and we made good time, and got as far as Lake City, Florida before the very used tires he gave us blew. This time a kind ol'boy from West Virginia sporting his Mountaineer paint job and hat came to our rescue. This guy brought us new tires, and assured me that we were not over-weight and that we had done nothing wrong. He checked every tire, and when he was done he told us the problem was the used tire the guy in Tennessee had installed. That night we arrived at our friend's, the Leibenspergers, to home cooked food and a joyful reception.

A short day of rest on Saturday, led to a very exciting Sunday when nearly 30 people filled the house to hear a message about the kingdom of God. the worship was sweet, the people were kind, and I already knew God was going to do more than we ever imagined. that night as we wrapped up, the last guest did not leave until well after 9:00 pm we marveled at the trip we had just made and God's provision. We scheduled our next meeting two weeks into the future.

The following week we packed our hosts for their trip to Italy and took them to the airport. As we returned to the house we felt a great peace that God was with us, and that we were not alone in Brooksville.

Over the next few weeks we entertained and built new friendships and got to know people. By the end of the three weeks the church had already picked up some more momentum and the Leibenspergers returned to a full house. As excited as we all were, the need to get on with life was very heavy on our hearts. We did not have a house and the kids needed to enroll in school and we needed to register our cars, get insurance. and become Floridians. So far we were on an extended vacation.

Over the next month we searched every house for sale in the city and we finally had to register at school, and our cars, etc using our friends address and our mailing address. Still no house, not even as I write this blog. No sooner did we get everything and everyone registered and then our mailbox company, Pak Mail, went belly-up here in Brooksville. Then a few days later the mall we were trying to put the church in turned down our lease because they did not want a church, but still we have our joy.

You see, in the midst of being homeless, and the church meeting in our friend's house, and sending our children off to school ( Joel off to college 30 miles away), and a number of other glitches, we have to look around at the beauty of this place, the beauty of our friends country home, and God's abundant provision and smile. We are so well cared for, and we have really enjoyed our little two family "commune." there is always someone to talk to, to make dinner with, and to share life with. With nine people in the house (it was 10 before Joel left) someone will go to the store with you, or feed the chickens, or fold laundry.

In the middle of all this I had an old friend pass away, and I went to Muskegon, Michigan the town where I planted my first Vineyard Church fourteen years ago. There I saw many friends and we played catch-up, and laughed and told stories from over a decade ago. I should note that the Leibenspergers (our hosts) were part of that church in Muskegon. In that moment I realized the journey that God has had me on for over fourteen years and how it led to my being in Brooksville now. I saw how many of the events in the last decade have shaped my theology, my understanding of the kingdom of God, and my uncompromising commitment to making disciples of Jesus that make disciples of Jesus. You know what else . . .

I realized that God was in control through the good and the bad of those last fourteen years. I saw his hand and his provision more clearly. Suddenly my house situation, my Pak Mail problem, my car situation, and my church meeting place problem were not problems at all. They became God's direction, his leading, his hand, leading me, sometimes pushing me toward his plan. How foolish of me to resist his kindness, and his plan, with my agenda. My mind goes to the excellent little book of Philippians at moments like this: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." (Philippians 2.4-9, ESV).

Most of us spend all of our energy waiting to arrive. We tell ourselves that we will be happy when happenstance hands us the right conditions. We will be happy when stuff happens, like when we get the house or when we sell it, when we get the job or leave it, when we get married or we get divorced, when we go to college or when we graduate. It is exhausting waiting for happiness. The Proverb writer says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13.12, ESV). However, if I can with the Apostle Paul say,"I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4.11-13, ESV) then I will find joy in the journey, not just in the destination. Happenstance controls happiness, but I can choose joy always.

So how can you pray for us? Pray Romans 15.13 over our lives that we may be filled with joy and peace for the journey ahead of us.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15.13, ESV


  1. I like that you posted this Hal - I tried to explain this to a friend recently. It's about being happy in the presence of God and knowing He is in control. I am happy now because I know where my joy comes from; it comes from my God and everything else that may occur in future to increase my happiness is gravy! God has a place in mind for the church...that mall wasn't it. It will happen. I have it on good authority. lol You and your family & the church are being prayed over my friend! God bless Linda

  2. As you know, our journey begins...but what I didn't realize is in fact we were already on it. I haven't before, but as I begin this time I am going to appreciate the next chapter of our lives no matter where God takes us. Today I thank God for the opportunity to learn to appreciate his faithfulness and love for me and my family. I was blind but now I see...Praise God and bring on the journey! Susan K
