Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The New Guy

It's always an interesting thing to be the new guy . . .

On one hand, we have our dear friends Karl & Natalie, and their children, and we have some other friends in the area who we have not seen yet. Among them, its like a visit to see old friends, but as we reach out to their friends its exciting and nerve-racking at the same time.

This week we just met people that Karl & Natalie know, who are interested. We had 30 people come and worship, have communion, and listen to me speak about the Power of God, the Works of God, and the Word of God (John 5.19-47). It was a wonderful time of worship and fellowship. (Some of the sweetest saints I have ever met.) As we talked I felt like I had known some of them for years. At the end of the evening some approached me about coffee, about helping us unload our truck, and about what the next steps would be. Others said they loved it but they have a church home. (I appreciate that and do not want to "steal sheep.") As the evening ended I was filled with emotion. I felt excitement and yet I was left with a huge number of questions, more than answers. I am looking forward to having those coffee, lunch and dinner meetings with all of those individuals.

Meanwhile, we are working to settle in: banking appointments, school appointments, house shopping, car shopping, and all of those earthly necessities. These are also opportunities to meet new people, to pray for them, to share the vision, and to make new appointments with. Along the way we have discovered Lizzie's Coffee House. their pies made a debut at our first gathering. They have some of the best espresso I have ever tasted. Lizzie and Jay, the owners, are great people too. They made me feel welcome to Brooksville.

As followers of Christ, we are called upon to be a people of hospitality. I have moved often throughout my life, and experienced the uproar of change, of meeting new people, and finding my place. In that process it has occurred to me that while everyone is making me feel welcome, I must not wait for people to enter my life. My responsibility to not to sit and wait for people to make room for the new guy. Hospitality is a two-way street. As the people of Hernando County extend their hospitality, I need to reciprocate, show my interest, and make friends. I cannot wait for it all to happen to me. How about you?

New guy or old guy, who is new in your life. Who is the person who needs you to be Jesus? I don't mean preaching to them or changing them. I mean who needs your friendship, a place in your life, a cup of coffee, lunch, dinner, directions, you name it. Often we are so busy with the necessities of life, (bank stuff, house stuff, car stuff, work stuff) that we do not make time for what is best . . . people. People are the most valuable. Jesus did not come to save my stuff, he came to save me and you (sometimes from our stuff).

New guy or old guy, gifted in hospitality or simply following the Lord's example, how about rearranging your life for what matters most? Make room for the new guy?

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